David Cordani became President and CEO of Cigna in 2009 and has spearheaded its transformation into a leading global health service company, doubling the size of the company in five years. He is a prominent voice addressing key health challenges, such as the empowering of individuals to manage their own health, innovating new health delivery models focused on patients’ health improvements, and partnering with physicians to focus on wellness, and improving clinical quality.
With operations and capabilities in more than 30 countries, Cordani leads Cigna's more than 37,000 employees in improving the health, well-being and sense of security of more than 89 million customer relationships.
Prior to joining Cigna, Cordani was with Coopers Lybrand. He actively works with March of Dimes, The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Achilles International Freedom Team of Wounded Veterans and is a charter board member of ChildObesity180. Cordani was named to the General Mills Board of Directors in 2014 and to the U.S.-India Business Council Board of Directors in 2015.
Cordani is an accomplished triathlete, having competed in more than 125 triathlons. He earned his bachelor's degree from Texas AM, and an MBA from the University of Hartford.
All statistics are based on Cigna internal data.