Dear Sir, I have decided to contact you via email because I am extremely concerned – Michael OLeary email address

Allana sent a message to Michael O’Leary – CEO, Ryanair – Email Address that said:

Dear Sir,

I have decided to contact you via email because I am extremely concerned about the mixed levels of service that Ryanair staff seem to be offering the public, especially those who may be affected by vulnerable circumstances.

I recently booked a flight for my mother and terminally ill step-father to visit me in England. When my mother was departing for Knock from Luton Airport on 06 June, she was informed that no "hold" luggage had been booked with her return flight. As I booked the flight and I no longer have the details, I cannot remember if I did in fact book this for both legs of her journey. Common sense tells me that I would have, but I cannot be certain of this. That aside, on arriving to check in her bags, she was informed that she did not in fact have anything booked. At this point, her husband, who is suffering from terminal oesophageal cancer, and who is in severe pain, had a need to sit down because of the pain that he was feeling at that moment. My mother told the man at the desk about the situation and said that she would return once she had found him a seat. This she duly did and returned to deal with the issue of the luggage. At this point, a Ryanair check in person (who was NOT serving my mother but sitting at the neighbouring desk) proceeded to rudely tell my mother that her husband's illness is of no concern of theirs and that she should not make them feel guilty for the situation with the luggage. Apparently, all they are there to do is check in luggage and that is it!! My mother then told her that that was in not her intention, but that she had to deal with the matter as her husband has severe bouts of attacking pain and he could be left to his own devices. Interestingly, the man who was checking them in was courteous and seemed to understand the gravity of the situation - unlike his rude and interfering colleague!

My mother then, probably due to my error, was told to go and pay £45 to check in her bag. While this is probably the process that needs to be followed, I do believe that a little assistance and kindness would have gone a long way in what was clearly a difficult and stressful situation. Not that it is any concern of Ryanair's but the situation is such that it was actually the last holiday for my mother's husband.

Obviously the Ryanair representative who took it upon herself to get involved has no empathy or awareness of people and circumstances of life. Check in staff may "just be checking people in", but sometimes there are circumstances that come with the territory. i.e. would she have said that to a disabled person who may have needed additional assistance?

I am appalled at the manner in which my mother was dealt with and frankly speaking, the only reason that I have ever flown Ryanair, is simply because I have to, to get to Knock to visit my mother! The key reason being that overall, I have never been that impressed with Ryanair's service levels. I say this not glibly, but as a person who has had to deliver within service led businesses and I understand the core issues involved at the front facing end of a business.

I hope that my drawing this to your attention might prompt some further action when delivering training to new staff. While I do not know who the extremely rude person was, if I had her details, I would almost certainly have lodged an official complaint.

Most disappointed and disillusioned.

Yours sincerely

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