Dear Mr O’Leary, It is with deep regret we find ourselves having to write to – Michael OLeary email address

jacqueline and Derek sent a message to Michael O’Leary – CEO, Ryanair – Email Address that said:

Dear Mr O'Leary,

It is with deep regret we find ourselves having to write to you today.

We are foster carers and due to very difficult circumstances the young person who lives with us cannot travel with us.

We requested a refund under special circumstances but am very disappointed at the lack of compassion shown to us.

We have written to you at your head office address, detailing our concerns and the difficulty we face, every day, as Foster Carers.

We sincerely hope that our letter finds its way to you and look forward to your response.

We are frequent flyers with Ryanair and try to give the children in our care every opportunity, just like our own children got.

A lot of foster carers do not take the children they look after abroad. One of the reasons may be that when things go wrong and the children cannot travel, companies do not have a system in place to support Foster Carers and the difficulties they face.

We understand this is not a situation your staff will come across frequently, but I would like you to ask them to show some compassion in what is a very difficult time for all involved. If companies showed more compassion then maybe Foster Carers would be in a much better position to plan to take children on holiday.

I look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to forward the correspondence that I have sent by mail.

Yours sincerely

Jacqueline and Derek

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