I have had very little success in being able to contact anyone who can rescue – Ajaypal Singh Banga email address

Joan sent a message to Ajaypal Singh Banga – President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterCard – Email Address that said:

I have had very little success in being able to contact anyone who can rescue a customer service issue. I was left stranded in Spain and had to cut short my holiday when the promised replacement MasterCard did not materialise. This was due to your International Assistance Crntre not understanding that although I was in Spain my dialling code on my cell phone remained UK (+44).
Since returning I have been trying to make a complaint. So far I have
Searched your website for any reference to feedback/complaints
Reported the matter to my card provider (HSBC) who were told to forward the matter to a Vice President, but whom I have heard nothing from.
Called the international assistance line, numerous times and spoke once to someone who implied they could help but never called me back.
Tried to track down this person via a London Office number, where I was told to email 'reception' and they would try to find out who to pass it to.
I then got two telephone calls from you American Office from a person called Albam/Alban who said he would write to me (a month ago - nothing!)
Yesterday I called the number Albam/n had called me on and spoke to someone called Samantha who put me on hold for five minutes and when I protested then volunteered to call me back. Needless to say, she did not!
I am looking for compensation for a ruined holiday. And recompense for the cost of the airfare home - a ticket I had to purchase using an overdrawn debit card.
At the very least I think you should reward me for exposing how very poor your organisation is at Customer Care!

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