Good Afternoon Mr. Rogers, hope all is well. My name is McLeodd . I’m reaching – William H Rogers Jr email address

McLeodd sent a message to William H. Rogers, Jr. – Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of SunTrust Banks – Email Address that said:

Good Afternoon Mr. Rogers, hope all is well. My name is McLeodd. I'm reaching out to you regarding my new relationship with SunTrust bank. I opened my account on May, 7, 2016. Since they I've been with SunTrust my account has been debited twice for "write offsets". I don't recall having this bank before, but if I did I more than glad to pay what I owe. Instead of being given an option to pay of my own free will I was surprised 5/23/16 with a debit of $599.95. After I escalated a week later I received a call from Carol in your office. She advised me nothing could be done. She also advised me that there was a another balance of over $700 dollars but it had be outsourced and I could set an arrangement. She gave me the collection agency info to reach out. Carol also made it very clear that I would see another offset because the account was sent to collections . I also want it noted how nice Carol was also. To my dismay I received another offset on 6/14 for $725.59. I called and spoke to several people who had no compassion and said there was nothing I could do. I then called Carol, who apologized for the incorrect information she gave me. She advised me to call the recovery team. I did and spoke to Suzanne who very rude and nasty to me. Carol said if they didn't help, I should reach out to you. I hoping you can help as this has put me in a very difficult financial situation. I want to stay apart of the SunTrust family but my experience so far has been awful. Please write me back of give me a call. Thanks so much for hearing me out.


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