Brandin Spicer is crowdrising for Who Dat Wood Shop of NOLA Fundraiser Dear – Ian McLeod email address

Brandin Spicer sent a message to Ian McLeod – CEO, Southeastern Grocers – Email Address that said:

Brandin Spicer is crowdrising for Who Dat Wood Shop of NOLA Fundraiser:

Dear Mr. Mcleod,

I'm not writing you with any complaint in fact I'm a happy Winn Dixie member! I'm writing you because I have no one financially in my corner to help me with my cause. I've started a fundraiser seeking the help from others because I'm trying to put together a wood shop here in Marerro, Louisiana. The shop is going to be the building/assembly location of building personalized desks for children from all walks of life to inspire innovation, learning,imagination,organization,and everything else young minds need to develop into law abiding productive citizens. It's in my heart to see this through and I'm doing everything I can to make it happen while raising 2 toddlers and working 70+ hours a week. You can check my bank statements i work very hard. I devote any extra time I have into pushing this project because I really do want to make a difference in as many children's lives as possible. This my way of giving back to society. But I need help of others. This is my 2nd week of having the fundraiser up and it's tough getting people to feel as passionate as I do about my vision. I'm asking you with an open heart in good faith to please donate what you can to my cause. Everything counts. Thanks for your time and God bless.

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