I buyed Sonny TV in Turkey.It can be more than two years.The problem – Kazuo Hirai email address

Adnan sent a message to Kazuo Hirai President and CEO, Sony Corporation – email address that said:

I buyed Sonny TV in Turkey.It can be more than two years.The problem is panel.The Sonny service want to charge more than 1.000USD.With this amount I can buy new TV.This is first in my life that the Tv go broken in three years.  .Date of manufacture 02/2012.I am helpless in this case.The problem is:With a line is the screen in two parts.One over and one under.The under parts you see the picture clear but at the over you see the picture flue.very bad.I can send the pictures on the screen per e-mail,but I have not your exactly e-mail address.
I wait your helping Sir.I don't know what I can make in this case.
Best Regards

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