I am riding the Amtrak from Albany to Montreal…..sitting in the cafe car – Joseph H. Boardman email address

Justine sent a message to Joseph H. Boardman CEO, Amtrak that said:

I am riding the Amtrak from Albany to Montreal.....sitting in the cafe car and observing the following.....there are 8 booths at this end of this car, 4 of which are taken by train staff and boxes.....not exactly maximizing a revenue center. There is a cafe car attendant who has never smiled ....we have consumed Chardonnay and snacks. It feels as if we, the customer, are invading their space....being an imposition. Where is the undercover boss when we need him. This is based on numerous trips up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Where is the leadership and training. Feel free to call me on my cell. Justine

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