I am a current department head watching my store stumble due to lack of efficient – W Rodney McMullen email address

Jason Travis sent a message to Rodney McMullen - Chief Executive Officer of The Kroger Co. email address that said:

I am a current department head watching my store stumble due to lack of efficient hires. With the amount of money Kroger generates, it is appalling to see how little is reinvested back into stores. If you would like to take a realistic view as to what is going on at the store level, please come and visit me at Regency Kroger, 352, and I will be happy to help this company become great again, otherwise we can continue to watch our stock continue to drop, like it has during the 2 years I have been employed here. As far as I can tell you are surrounded by Yes Men or are too pig headed to realize that the foundation of this company is the people who operate your stores. It is only a matter of time before all is lost due to stubbornness. 70 percent of new hires dont leave because this is a great place to work, they leave because with each passing year it gets worse. Again, if you would actually like to make the company better, please come and find me at store 352, Louisville district (024). I have repeatedly asked my management staff to reach out to you but with their lack of security (no union, creating only yes men) no one I have met has been willing to speak up to you ( I am often told I am right but my managers cannot repeat what I say due to fear of retaliation).

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