Inexcusable customer service, Greg. Ordered dinner 2 hours ago. 1:45 into the order, we are – Greg Creed email address

Bill Priddy sent a message to Greg Creed - Chief Executive Officer of Yum Brands - Email Address that said:

Inexcusable customer service, Greg. Ordered dinner 2 hours ago. 1:45 into the order, we are called from a location 45 minutes from our home. Greg, there is a store 5 miles from our home. Seriously? That stores manager was rude and condescending. I then telephone corporate and got a Max , employee number #7719. Condescending and rude dont begin to describe this individuals attitude. Just our dinner? Absolutely, Greg. Our treatment and pathetic customer service surrounding such? Inexcusable. Never again. Never. I work with the public too, Greg. I should have received dinner no charge and within a reasonable amount of time, NOT another 1.5 as outlined by your Max , employee #7719. Due to this inexcusable treatment, Greg, any and every opportunity I get to share this experience will be more than readily shared. Just my dinner? Absolutely. But you might want to check the ratings from your store I dealt with. Not stellar - or acceptable - by any means.

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