Dave GAROFALO sent a message to J. Clifford Hudson Chairman and CEO, Sonic Corp. - email address that said:
Dear Mr. Hudson; I am the Exec. Dir of the Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Assoc. You have a new store under contructions on Beach Blvd. Our dealer network conusmes both sides of that Street. This is our 3rd Car Raffle. 6,000 Opportunities Tickets, 1,000 each are given to 6 local noprofits. Each Ticket has a $10 face value. Each nonprofit retains 100% of thie effots; each alwys earning $10,000 + we award a $25,000 vehicle.
We have enormous support. Local Waterfront Hilton gives us a vouceher for Free two for one Brunch ($55 Values) goes with each opportunity Ticket. Our thought...one of the grand prizes...One Year of Free Sonic at your new lcoation on Beach Blvd. Face value can cvertainly be $10/week, cant be accumulated...52 vouchers...etc. This effort on our part conribute $60,000 each time to needy local non profits. If something like this can be aranged...using the 10 New Car dealeship (your neighbors) to help promote your new location very viable. Forexample...w invest in no less than 100 spots teams in this communitys High School program... we have 7 large HS. We can easily help reaching out to each Athletic Director, offer coupons at the daleships, etc. We ae soon t be community partners. I own the local Newspaper (30 years) past Mayor and direct the ativies on the car dealers.
Please let me know if this might happen. Auto raffle process begins October 1st and goes thru March 1st.
Dave Garofalo
Ex. Dir> Hb Auto Dealers Assoc.
Owner / Publisher
The Local News Community Newspapers
Celebrating Our 27th Year
630 Main Street * Huntington Beach, Ca 92648
714.914.9797 * HBNews1@aol.com