@VictorKislyiWG – Victor Kislyi – Ive been having payment issues for 3 months now…numerous tickets that are all generically

Kaechaun johnson sent a message to Victor Kislyi that said:

Ive been having payment issues for 3 months now...numerous tickets that are all generically handled leading to much unfixed issues

Since feb 28th ive been trying across all types of payment options to purchase gold
Well sir still as of today im still having same issues...im being charged but not receiving gold in game

Now xbox is issuing refunds due to lengthy recover periods from wargaming
With all due respect customer service experience is not great an there is no actual feeling of wanting to help

Along this trek of playing ticket tag w wargaming
And fussing with xbox

Ive had to spend new silver earned in-game to buy back old prem. Tanks which is not getting ahead at all...
Ive not been able to purchase much of anything which kinda sucks
Since feb 28th ive spent roughly 500 bucks mostly jus being refunded...ive had to liquidate stuff i already owned to facilitate newer stuff in game. Im in love with the Chinese line an wanted the yazi,112, Wz 111
During these sales i flat out missed due to issues not in my control.
So during my tickets ive asked for
Prem time
Prem tank since i have money spent
My gold i spent for
I asked the agent to gift me my prem tanks back that i already spent for but had to sale...i was married an couldnt really grind
So i was charged new silver i earned on old prem tanks i didnt really want...i jus wanted my gold so i could "get back on the saddle"

If u could help me thatd would be great...however that would only benefit me not other ppl who may be having same issues...

A great fix atleast for purchase side would to create a speedy recover team possibly 24hr why? Well theres a billion things people spend money on if theres issues people wont spend money
I.e. for example myself i couldve spent my money anywhere but i chose you...i was charged an now ive got to wait till wargaming or xbox figure it out...some times it takes quite awhile currently im at day 11 or 12 on 2 orders 49.99 12000 gold and 29.99 6500 gold
Thats like celebrating your bday but not being able to open gifts til 2 weeks later which is gonna cause greef an anxiety like me right now

24hr recovery would make things go much smoother...
At 1st i was typing out order numbers but then i jus started copy an pasteing all the emails from my Microsoft receipts...still long answer time from support to confirm with xbox partners...be patient

The answers given to you are templates of what to send not actual care
Things are overlooked an it seems its built to find keywords instead of care

Even tho i send my issue along with direct receipts
The first message is generic asking for alk details
...wait ive already sent that... 2 to 3 days later
Oh thanks for giving us that info now we can investigate....2 to 3 daya later still haven't heard from our xbox live partners were placing ur ticket on hold...2 to 3 days later...they may ask u to clarify exactly wat u want back...then finally u get gold...thats waaaaaaaaaaay to long

24hr team...on purchase side's mission is to either compensate or swiftly get ur purchase

Designed around pleasing the customer
So since its 24 hr team...tickets hit agents directly in email...

They then consume the issue...check invoice see if it actually hit the account an contact xbox partner directly an assume RESPONSIBILITY of persons money keeping said person in the loop an if its delayed....well sir its not like your actually building tanks or attaching prem time to the account through vehicle travel..2 or 3 days prem time for extended issues wont kill anyone but show care for your cutomers time money an intrest in game

Gold is vital to most everything if people cant buy then they cant enjoy thus leading to lack of intrest in game an that is money lost.

The overall objective is to pleasr your customers
This in turn creates an actual feel of customer support

Im only sending this because wargaming an xbox keep telling me to be patient...no offense but ive been patient an its only costing me more money...ive spent a few thousand dollars across 4 yrs...

From a dedicated player

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