Ryszard sent a message to Rodger O. Riney Founder and CEO, Scottrade that said:
After many years with Scottrade I will be closing my accounts today and transferring money to Ameritrade. My local office in Cerritos CA doesn't answer the phone. After many trials, last one today my calls are being transfer to National Trading Center staffed with incompetent customer service associates. Complaining is impossible at the center, because the staff is refusing to transfer the phone to their superiors. There are several people I spoke to trying to get information about opening a ROW IRA account for my son. When the last one I spoke to, Adam Casiano, told me again to contact my local Scottrade office to answer my question, I asked to be transfer to his manager, which he refused to do. I called again and asked another customer rep to be transfer to a customer service manager. I was told that managers are not available to talk to customers.