Karan Kurra sent a message to Thomas McCoy that said:
What you need to know about me:
1. Aspiring young entrepreneur
2. Aspire for Success
3. satisfy my self ego by attaining success.
My Experience:
My Journey is somewhat non conventional. Even though i have a background in International Relations, I have taken time off to visit a tobacco factory in Southern India to learn the "if and buts" of the business. Essentially, i worked my self all levels of the factory (leaf cultivation, leaf auction, leaf procurement, Chemistry, Quality, threshing, logistics and exports).
"Dare to dream and care to achieve". I would like in to break in to the tobacco business as a successful Tobacco trader.
What I expect from you:
"Goals are as essential to success as air is to life". As you see from the above information, i have set a few goals, but to what extent is it viable in reality is a million dollar guess. I am seeking for guidance as to the merits of my goals.
I don\'t know to what extent this will be communicated with the CEO, but at least I tried to pursue my goals.