@andrewhouse_ps – Andrew House – Dear sir,<br>I have been trying for over 1 month to seek resolution and return

Kevin Cassidy sent a message to Andrew House that said:

Dear sir,
I have been trying for over 1 month to seek resolution and return of my son (Aaron Cassidy) ps4 console. I do not have in possession the receipt for the unit I purchased earlier this year. I have communicated via telephone, email, and chat with service and customer care. Over a week ago I was promised his console would be back in his hands unrepaired, due to my negligence of holding onto the receipt. I am not in a position to make another 500 dollar purchase at this time for I am disabled and live on disability. My son uses his allowance from his grandparents to rent a ps4 since that is his passion. Is their anyway you sir could just once wave the formality of purchase receipt and offer him a not new , but refurbished unit in trade for the unit your service department has sat on , even after multiple communications of my not being able to afford a repair. My son known as cooldeath270, is a 4.1 student in the eighth grade at Heritage middle school in Westerville, Ohio. Not only is he good at ps4 but he always put school first and video gaming second. I hate to complain to the top , but from the bottom up has yet to resolve this long drawn out problem. Please consider my request for repair or replacement, as life on disability is not a profitable life and lord knows it\'s not a chosen lifestyle.

Thank You for your time and consideration in resolving this matter. I\'m sorry I had to write this email, for I was not getting anywhere with anyone else I have contacted or spoken to.

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