@ianmillercook – Ian Cook – Hello Mr Cook,<br>I am very happy with your companies innovation and progressive plan of

Rebecca Cason MBA sent a message to Ian Cook that said:

Hello Mr Cook,
I am very happy with your companies innovation and progressive plan of sustainable action. However, I could not find information on your web page about what the plan of action is to clean up past infractions pertaining to the amount of plastic from products such as Palmolive, Suavite and Fabuloso in our oceans which are affecting our marine life. Do you have a plan to support the clean up? On your website it states "every stage of the product life cycle, including at the end-of-life of our products and packaging" which is a very noble and progressive commitment to our planet. Thank you for making the necessary changes for our continued existence on this planet. Sincerely, Rebecca Cason

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