David Brandon – May 25, 2016<br><br>Dave Brandon,<br>Chief Executive Officer<br>Toys &quot;R&quot; Us<br>1 Geoffrey Way<br>Wayne, NJ 07470<br><br>Dear Mr

Rick Vitacco sent a message to David Brandon that said:

May 25, 2016

Dave Brandon,
Chief Executive Officer
Toys "R" Us
1 Geoffrey Way
Wayne, NJ 07470

Dear Mr. Brandon,

My name is Rick Vitacco. I am a new product innovator, author and entrepreneur. I am very impressed with the many innovative products at Toys "R" Us and we were wondering if your premier toy chain stores may be potentially interested in obtaining exclusive licensing rights to the manufacture and marketing of our new sporting goods product innovation described immediately below:

ABOUT OUR NEW SuperSkateSaucer:

The funtastic newly patented (US Patent #D742, 464 for "Rider operated flexible body skate plate") can be viewed at www.inventionconnection.com/BOOTHS/booth523.html . The SSS includes a Stationary Floor Plate Accessory for twisting/spinning exercise fun for the Ladies in the home, a Fun BumPost Accessory for the kids to solo SpinBump on the Sidewalk next to the grass and a Novel Snow Saucer Attachment for winter backyard skating fun for the entire family. Mom\'s little toddlers can even sit on the SSS and spin or swirl around on a hard surface floor. BUT WAIT A MINUTE -we envision including Flashing Color Lights (that are activated) on the SSS bottom perimeter to make this fun product look like a Flying Saucer when kids spin or swirl around or spin bump each other on SuperSkateSaucers.

We DO have professional engineering drawings and beautiful CAD blue color product images but NO physical prototypes of this fun/novel newly patented indoor/outdoor SuperSkateSaucer.

The SuperSkateSaucer was invented by this writer and designed/developed by the highly talented rocket scientist and Italian race car designer Rob DeBardeleben, President of Evocativo LLC of Boulder, CO USA. Rob\'s website (for reference) is www.evocativo.com .

We think our SuperSkateSaucer would be a great product exclusively for Toys "R" Us.


We have recently secured a prominent Toy & Game Licensing Agency and have SSS spin-off toy/storybook/animation products in the early development stage, so that exciting news.

I look forward to discussing the funtastic family styled SuperSkateSaucer with you -if you wish.

With Warm Regards,

Rick Vitacco, Pres.
Vitacco Innovations
1864 - 22nd. Ave. #1415
Kenosha, WI 53140

(262) 220-0729 smart phone
E MAIL: Vitacco1@gmail.com

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