David Brandon – Hello Mr. Brandon,<br><br>Around 4:45am EST today, I placed an order for a New Nintendo

D. Chad Johnson sent a message to David Brandon that said:

Hello Mr. Brandon,

Around 4:45am EST today, I placed an order for a New Nintendo 3DS™ Super Mario™ Black Edition Gaming System on ToyRUs.com. I had stayed up all night searching many retailers and was thrilled to find this toy, as it is the toy that my son really wants for Christmas this year.

However, my joy turned to dismay when around 6:00pm this evening, I received an e-mail stating that my order had been cancelled. When I contacted Toys R Us customer service, I was told that it was due to inadequate supply, which was blamed on Nintendo. The customer service agent apologized and offered a $10 gift code for the trouble.

While I understand that supply does not always keep up with demand, Toys R Us accepted my order and then unilaterally cancelled it, leaving me without recourse. At a minimum, customers like myself affected in this way should not have their orders cancelled but should be placed in some sort of priority queue so that their orders can be fulfilled when adequate inventory becomes available.

I have no doubt that your day to day responsibilities and concerns are much broader than the relatively minor complaints of one 35 year old dad trying to find a Christmas present for his 9 year old son, but I hope you will consider and acknowledge my situation. A $10 gift code for a cancelled order for a coveted Christmas present just doesn\'t cut it.

Thank you for your consideration. A reply would be a pleasant surprise, and a solution would be an unexpected miracle.

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