avik sent a message to Stephen Rusckowski that said:
Respected Sir,
I am Dr. Avik kumar Jana from kolkata, practicing as an ENT surgeon for last 11years.
I have been developing anunique breakthrough revolutionary conceptfor the past 2 years that shall not only for ever game change the conventional diagnostic healthcare delivery system and working model in semiurban, rural area but also in totoshall force current existing private diagnostic healthcare system to become extinct in the next 5 years.
I have been working on the pros and cos of this groundbreaking concept from all angles and have given it a concrete final shape. This is going to not only empower peopleâs capability to get international quality diagnostic healthcare in those areas but drastically reduce costs of healthcare for them without hurting the corporate delivering organisation.
This concept shallcringe the entire private diagnostic healthcare sector under the control of the pioneerwho is going to launch this.
I have processed copyrighted my content fearing of getting my idea hijacked so iam not very much worried as even if someone tries to, they can be blocked legally. This shall be at best if envisaged at national level on a large scale basis to consume the entire Indian market so that so that innumerable competitors who think of cashing in understanding the enormity of the idea don't have any chance. Besides, due to procurement of copyright of the idea, it shall be quite impossible for others even to try so.
Sir i have been conceptualizing and progressing on this concepwith my IPR lawyer. Sir, this is going to be the future of healthcare delivery modelof all countries particularly more so in overpopulated poor countries like us. This will make the copyright owning launching brand the only one corporate diagnostic healthcare delivery nameexisting in INDIA and give you the glorious place in world healthcare history as the man who implemented the revolutionary concept.
Since i have just started to discuss my copyright concept and haven't yet finalized my deal with anyone, so till then i am not into any Non disclosure agreement as of now.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
Dr Avik kumar Jana
9831261727 7980482176
Managing Trustee
Foundation for private healthcare professionals www.fphp.webs.com