SANDRA BORR sent a message to William Rogers that said:
Dear Sir,
I noticed that among "SunTrust Deals"
that you are offering a 5% discount for Airbnb. While this offer expires in December 2018, as a long time customer of Suntrust Banks, I am requesting that you do not offer this company's services again.
Airbnb has joined the ranks of the anti-Jewish/antisemites.
They claim that there is no place for discrimination on their platform but due to BDS* a joint initiative of several organizations whose goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, Airbnb has succumbed to BDS pressure.
Airbnb has delisted and blacklists Jewish apartments in Judea & Samaria â not "Palestinian" (Arab) apartments, not apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, not in Moroccan occupied Sahara, not in Tibet or the Crimea. â Airbnbâs policy is the very definition of antisemitism.," It does not discriminate against countries with long , horrendous histories of human right violations. or areas of the world with border disputes. It discriminates only against Jews.
*Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
seeks not to uplift Arabs but to destroy the State of Israel, as Omar Barghoutti, its founder has admitted.