@questdx – Stephen Rusckowski – My name is Eric Rivera with employee # 212159 and respectfully would like to bring

Eric Rivera sent a message to Stephen Rusckowski that said:

My name is Eric Rivera with employee # 212159 and respectfully would like to bring to your attention a situation may have pasted inadvertently under the radar.

Due to a recent Federal Tax Reform, Quest Diagnostics announced that such Tax Reform will financially benefit the organization and in return, Quest Diagnostics would share such financial benefits with all employees in gratitud to the hard work we all put in to keep Quest Diagnostics aliened with our vision and mission of empowering people to take action to improve health outcomes for the benefit of our patients.

Perhaps the noble intention of shearing such benefit did not reached all. Based on what was explained by our HR, the system, excluded everyone under the 20 hour per week threshold. Unfortunately, no one new what to do or where to go to discuss it, this is way I am reaching to you.

I bring this to your attention with the hope that the threshold could be waved at least in this case for everyone that applies.

In my case, I am a part time Quest Diagnostics employee defined as a 16hrs RSR in the system, which in reality, I average over 20hrs per weekend, drive over 600 miles and make around 40 stop. Like me, are others that are committed and gladly contribute towards our Vision and Mission of this great organization.

Again, I am grateful and blessed to be part of Quest Diagnostics. Looking forward for your consideration on such important matter.


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