Div Patel sent a message to Kathleen Mazzarella that said:
Graybar Account # 408987
Doing Business with Graybar since May 2015 and have done business worth Half a Million Dollars with Graybar
I am very frustrated and upset with the way my account is handled in recent days with Credit and in general.
Lots of screw ups on orders , deliveries , Credit team said I cannot order on Terms and they are reviewing my account from Last some weeks with no response, ( sent all Tax Returns documents ) Stated ordering on Credit Card and they said they cannot send me receipt or Invoices for Credit Card orders -
Also there are changes in the team all the time and you get new Rep every year who takes almost 6 months to familiarize with your account and next thing you hear is that you have a new Rep ...
Very frustrating - Just wanted to bring to your Notice to let you know the issues we are facing and not sure if Graybar already has more business than needed so they do not care of the Customers any more...
Very bad Experience off lately
Div Patel
Active Networks , LLC
717-540-5679 x 202