@myfamilydollar – Howard Levine – I've emailed corporate twice, now I'm coming to you. This is my SECOND time emailing

Robert D Owens sent a message to Howard Levine that said:

I've emailed corporate twice, now I'm coming to you.
This is my SECOND time emailing about this matter. If I'm not replied to within 7 buissness days, I'm getting a lawyer and SUING family dollar Inc for A LOT more than what I lost. I used a personal check at fmaiky dollar in magnolia Springs Alabama on February 7 2019. On February 28th 2019,that very same check (same check number) was forged by family dollar for the amount of 30.00 but with a different date, time, and transaction number. I've contacted my bank (I went inside the branch) and was told to contact you because after review, it was NOT an error on my bank's end, but an error on family dollar Inc. Please respond within 7 buissness days, I want my 30.00 back that was stolen from me and as well as to make sure this never happens again. I will prosecute to the fullest extint of the law for this error. Screenshots from my banking app are available upon request of both the first and second transaction for said personal check.

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