Richard Richardson sent a message to Doug McMillon that said:
For weeks now we have had returnable items at home and now Walmart will not accept them per current company policy? The first is 2 pair of shorts bought on 5/24/2020 at $23.00 + tax, which my wife was not allowed to try on in the store, but can be returned per your employee, if is there is an issue. The 2nd is a box of 50 masks, bought 6/11/2020 at $29.94 + tax, which are not as pictured on the box and do not have elastic straps as can be seen through the clear plastic wrapping when the box is opened!
Question: If items can be returned at Target, Kohl's, T.J. Max, Home Goods and all the other stores we shop in, why is Walmart not accepting returns at this time?
We're talking $52.94 + tax!! Far less than a penny in your pocket, we're sure, but not our pockets! We're in our 70's, on a fixed income and would like that money in our pockets, NOT yours!
PLEASE, do NOT give us the COVID-19 party line as an excuse. That story is getting mighty old or are you privy to some issue that we're not aware of?
Regards, Dick and Karen Richardson