Sharon Stoddard sent a message to Bob Sasser that said:
I send this out to your company and never recieved a reply:
I was in your Claremont, NH store today, 6/08/20; I was looking for merchandise on the self when an employee not wearing a mask came and started to work over top of me. I stepped away, after several minutes she asked if she could help me? I stated I was there, and she came along so I moved away for her protection, and asked where her mask was? The reply was she doesn't wear one, and when I indicated I thought she was supposed to she said "not me". She cashed me out, now, that was even more troublesome. Upon leaving the store I asked another employee if the manager was on site and promptly asked that employee where her mask was? She said she legally did not have to wear one! What about ethically and morally, I was thinking.