Ski Ostrowsky sent a message to Hubert Joly that said:
Dear Ms.Barry,I will make this as short as I can,I know your very busy.I had an issue with an employee in the geek squad,after I had told him,I brought in a computer case with my computer,I never got the computer case back,as I was trying to reach out to him and tell him someone there took my computer case,because I had left it with the geek squad,he got very indignant with me,and hung up on me.I dropped the computer off,my brother went and picked it up,when my brother could not resovle the issue with this man named Rodrigo I had called on the phone.I had then went to the store,and told them I needed to speak to security,they had told me there is no security in the stores,well okey,then you tell the wrong person that,and they steal from the stores,that was'nt very bright to have said that.So,I then reached out to the general manager of the store named Angela Birch,and explained my situation,and this what she had said,she told me she did not have a problem with me not comming back to the store.Is that how a general mange of a store solves a problem,by haveing best buy loose money? I have shopped there alot,I have paid the $199.00 a year for the plan to have my computers fixed,the last 2 they did nothing for me,never got fixed,so,I was going to come in and just buy a new computer,along with a stove.I want to let you know,I've cancelled my subscription,and got my money refunded due to,I just renewed.I will never buy from best buy again if I have to deal with individuals who cannot be professional.I would not go to this lenght, by writing to the CEO if all of this did not happen.My computer case was fairly new,now its gone,it was only around $70,but thats not the point here,the point it,someone took it,I reached out,and was told,basically they dont need my money.Have a wonderful day,be safe,and thank you for reading this.