Lorie Rassouli sent a message to John Koch that said:
Mr. John Koch, this is the 6th time I have emailed you in regards to my account. Acct. No. 130960972 Lorie Rassouli, 8612 Stakes Street Patterson California. As mentioned before. It seems I had TWO Market accounts one in Sacramento and another in PEIU. I never moved my account from Sacramento at all. My storage is in Sacramento only this POD as never moved to another area. I've had this account since 2016 paying every single month, so I asked PODS (Livonia) to send me my Account Statements from June 2016 to November 2020. As mention going down PODS amounts paid.
2106 (7 months) my payment is $226.79 equals $1,587.53 and that amount was paid so 2016 is good.
21017 (12 months) my payment of $226.26 equals $2,715.12 required by PODS. I paid $2,580.22 so I am short $134.90.
2018 (12 months) my payment of $226.26 equals $2,715.12 required by PODS. I paid $3,134.56. I overpaid $419.44.
2019 (12 months) my payment of $226.26 equals $2,715.12 required by PODS. I paid $2,623.86 so I am short $91.26.
2020 (11 months) my payment of $226.26 equals $2,488.86 required by PODS. I paid 2,488.86 so I am short $26.26.
Overage $419.44 minus the shortages 134.90, 91.26, 26.26. I have that PODS owes me $167.02.
Yet PODS has me in Collection/Auction Status saying I'm late when I pay every single month. I talked to Kenya a Manager at PODS. Extremely rude who mentioned so can ONLY check Sacramento's account (NOT PEIU). She CANT go back to 2016, she can only look at the present and to her, I'm in Auction Status. Even though I since her copies of the PODS statement they sent me. I asked how I had TWO Market account, she didn't know and basically doesn't care. It actually took me calling her six times just to talk to her for nothing (her word is I CAN"T)
The only person (an employee) Angelina who noticed right away I had two market accounts and that could be the error, money going from one account and money going to another account.
Kenya mention this employee got in trouble for being transparent and telling me to not pay the $327.52 (this is the amount PODS is saying I owe because I'm late when I have PODS owing me the $167.02 owing nothing at all going through November.
What I'm asking for is an AUDIT of my account from 2016 to November of 2010.
I want to know why I had two market accounts?
I want to know why PODS has that I'm in collections/auction status when they can't go back and check the other market account PEIU or check for mistakes.
As far as I'm concerned Kenya, is a manager that doesn't want any public contract, she could care less. She pushes her work onto other employees rather than taking the time to pursue, what could be wrong. The only person who cared was poor Angelina for doing a good job and caring.
Mr. Koch I really need your HELP, please don't overlook this email. I think writing to you and having this email is for a purpose, rather than a perk that is never used.
If you have an email where the attachment can be attached (like the PODS statements) 4 pages and my addition of paid amounts, I will send them to you directly.
Lorie Rassouli
Again, please reply