Michael H Oritt sent a message to William Rogers that said:
Re: Account ending in 1745
Claim # FRD2021071792
Dear Mr. Rogers--
In reviewing a recent bank statement I saw that an item not written or issued by me for $1000.00 was paid and I made a fraud complaint. The matter was ultimately resolved in my favor and my account was reimbursed.
When I questioned your Fraud personnel as to how this could have happened--how a "countercheck" bearing an obvious rubber-stamp signature could be paid without my at least being first contacted to question the item's authenticity--no one could give me a credible answer and the suggestion was made that I close my existing account and open another, with new checks being printed at my expense.
I repeatedly told your personnel that unless I received an explanation as to how this happened and some assurance that it would not happen again in the future I planned to close my checking account and open another one at a different institution. To date I have not received the courtesy of any further explanation or such assurance.
So you will know, I currently have a home mortgage and three credit card accounts with SunTrust. Additionally I have had one or two past auto loans so must consider that I would be termed a "valuable customer" by your marketing department.
Notwithstanding, I feel entirely neglected and uncertain as to the security of his monies currently placed in your hands.
As the former CEO of a substantial business I am aware that things "fall through the cracks" and always welcomed customers who took the time to reach me directly rather than going through subordinates, etc.
And so I am contacting you with the hope that something may be done to give me the assurances I desire.
I will take no further action pending your reply.
Best Regards--Michael Oritt (305-793-9467)