Ryszard sent a message to Rodger O. Riney Founder and CEO, Scottrade that said: After many years with Scottrade I will be closing my accounts today and transferring money to Ameritrade. My local office in Cerritos CA doesn't answer the phone. After many trials, last one today my calls are being transfer to National Trading…
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Hello Antonio, Your call center is broken. I have attemped to order 48 baby shower – Antonio Urcelay email address
Antonio sent a message to Antonio Urcelay Chairman and CEO, Toys R Us, Inc. that said: Hello Antonio, Your call center is broken. I have attemped to order 48 baby shower favors since February 24, 2015. The quantity has been incorrect twice now. I only recieved 4 favors with both shipments. After numerous calls I…
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I am frequent Amtrak passenger and member of the Guest Rewards program.- Joseph Boardman email address
Robert sent a message to Joseph H. Boardman CEO, Amtrak that said: April 9, 2015 Mr. Joseph H Boardman CEO Amtrak Corporation 50 Massachusetts Avenue Washington, DC 20002 Mr Boardman: I am frequent Amtrak passenger and member of the Guest Rewards program. I am writing to you as I am unable to resolve a scheduling…
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Please take a minute to look at our event now in it’s 12th year. We – Toxey Haas email address
Mike sent a message to Toxey Haas Founder and CEO, Haas Outdoors, Inc. that said: Please take a minute to look at our event now in it's 12th year. We would love to have more sponsors so we can provide more people with opportunities. [AdSense-A]
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