3285 elyria dr vermilion ohio 44089, Dear Mr. Carmichael i made a terrible mistake last – Greg D Carmichael email address

sherry Bochin sent a message to Greg D. Carmichael Chief Executive Officer of Fifth Third Bancorp Email Address that said:

3285 elyria dr vermilion ohio 44089,

Dear Mr. Carmichael i made a terrible mistake last weekend . I checked my balance online and seen i still had 300.00 in my account so i took out 280.00 at a atm machine. As soon as i got home that night I made a mobile deposit of a check for 300.00 . I thought I had enough in my account to go to dinner the next day and buy some sodas at a local gas station. Then came monday and i was charged 2 overdraft fees and then another the next day. Dear Mr Carmichael the overdrafts fees are almost what my now total negative balance is. I am on, social security disability and I direct deposit my 750.00 check into your bank. I have 2 other prior overdrafts that were returned but I am pleading with you to return these 3 overdrafts ,they were honest errors and I was not aware of the 300.00 check taking so long to clear. I know fifth third is an compassionate company and that is why I chose your bank above all others. Please I know 111,00 dollars isnt that much to your bank but I can not make it to the end of the month if I have to pay them.

Thank you

Sherry Bochin 3285 elyria dr Vermilion Ohio 44089 440 242 7306

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