@3MNews – Inge Thulin – I have a 23 yr old son that is a nurse in a special Covid

Tom Ryan sent a message to Inge Thulin that said:

I have a 23 yr old son that is a nurse in a special Covid unit at a hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The hospital can not get enough N95 mask for his team. This team is voluntary and only works with infected patients. I just heard on Tucker Carlson the Emergency management person in Florida talked with a representative from your company that said 3M is not demanding its vendors sell to America's hospitals first instead you are alllowing our front line people, my 23 yr old son who volunteered to work in this unit, to go without the masks that you produce because tthey are being sold to forgein countries. My 23 yr old son has more integrity than you or your children could ever posess. I know my son getting infected willl mean nothing to you. I hope you and your children all get this virus.

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