@MarriottIntl – Arne Sorenson – Hi im jose i recently got hired in the Fairfield by marriott in midvale, utah

Jose O Florea sent a message to Arne Sorenson that said:

Hi im jose i recently got hired in the Fairfield by marriott in midvale, utah as a engineer maintnace. Ive brought a lot of troubleing information to my manager and they have aither ignored or tride to have a suspicios individual present them selfs as owners and chief engineers for the facility's. The issues in hand bring laws, safety for employes and guest, code of conduct by managment, confict of intrest, harasment on resently terminated employes, lack of supplies and equipment to maintnace personal, state fire and safety equipment damaged or altered, customeres safety do to entrance door frames tampered, inexperianced staff, bribery, intimidation list goes on. Ive been employed with marriott for about 2 weeks and i am in disbalive of the dangeres managment is overlooking. When hired on manager never asked for my proper documentation, ive been ask to purches my own tools and supplies with a promiss of reinbursment by all managment. I need help do to i have potential information of severe structriol damage do to unathorized tampering with guesst rooms doors frames, fire doors, elevators& gifts to guest in exchange for silence. I do not belive this is marriotts code of ethics. I have done some research on marriotts belives and do to all facts i have found it does not meet any of marriotts ways. i am requesting if you can please help me. I have revied the buildings blue prints structrual design, taken messurments assesed existing damages aquired past history of changes made time line of possible damages do to changes in structrual desighn and all areas from foundation to roof are showing sighns of horizontal shift and lateral cracks reaching as far as 3 feet on second floor. The pool area has sustained extensive damage witch is hazardes and potentioly dangerous for guesst and staff and has been left in service. Lighting on more then 1/4 of the building has failed to function including emergency lighting. Some Unites have been replaced with potentioly dangerous not adequate bulbs. Ive already followed recomended guide lines and i have had litol to no response. Ive been told its not my consurne and i am to stick to changing bulbs and fixing small stuff. Sir i have been in the construction, city codes, structial integreties inspections, hud renovations, tower maintnace and inspections for potentiol dangeres, electricia." Industrial and comercial, pluming, drywall, stone, emergency respond to water, fire& buildings stability engenerig and steuctrol support do to potentiol colaps of buildings. For over 15years. I also have degres in surgaries, osha, code of conducts, hospitalaty safety and hazmat preventions. All i am asking is to please send a chiefe enginere to facility to evaluate the integrety of the structure like ive stated earlier ive already exousted all options placed by facilaties acting mamager and managment so i reach out to you. Pleas i need help to save this building and avoid potential catastrafic event. Thank you.

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