@brucedbroussard – Bruce Broussard – Mr. Broussard, I am a contract NP with YHA. I am having some difficulty with

Laverne Summers sent a message to Bruce Broussard that said:

Mr. Broussard,
I am a contract NP with YHA. I am having some difficulty with the attestations embedded in the Ethics Training. It seems some of the requirements are employee related and not those of a contractor. I requested assistance from the Ethics HelpLine but was given a form answer that did not address my question specifically. I want to complete the Ethics Training but do not think as a contractor that I should agree to relinquish my intellectual property or grant permission to allow my personal computer to be searched.

I am dedicated to care excellence and have a stellar record with members. I would like to be able to continue with YHA. I am open to an employee offer from YHA.
Thank you!
Laverne Summers MSN, APRN, ANP-BC, CEN

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