@AbbottNews – Miles White – Dear Mr White. I am a type 1 diabetic who championed the use of you

Graham Jones sent a message to Miles White that said:

Dear Mr White.
I am a type 1 diabetic who championed the use of you Freestyle Libre sensors and use them myself. I live in the South West of England. I have been continuously let down on the supply of these which I need to change every 14 days. I have had three conversations in the last two months complaining with your CS team about delivery. They tell me that deliveries in the UK will not be for at least another 6 weeks. The sensors are in a warehouse in Birmingham UK but you are quite prepared to let your patients down because of a dispute with your delivery suppliers/network. I cannot believe that a company as large as yours and so financially secure can not negotiate a way out of this problem when your customers are suffering greatly. I work within the NHS and know how hard your company pushed to get your sensor on the prescription list. It would appear that now you have the work it has been forgotten what was originally promised for your customers. Please would you use your offices to get this problem resolved.

Best wishes. Graham Jones

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