@Adobe – Shantanu Narayen – Dear Sir I'm a customer that recently subscribed to monthly payment of photoshop this is

Julius Ronald sent a message to Shantanu Narayen that said:

Dear Sir

I'm a customer that recently subscribed to monthly payment of photoshop this is in reference to an email I sent to the Adobe Team about an payment that was deducted from my account I had cancelled the monthly Subscription and looks like I have been charged i have tried to get the money refund as i was a private student when i took out this subsciption on Photoshop but since im not working any more im not able to afford £ 19.97
An amount of £89.86 was taken out and now im facing bank charges and have to pay my bills no one from the Adobe team has been in touch Adobe Account : ADB002754393UK

Could you help me look in this matter for me

Kind Regards

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