@aetna – Mark Bertolini – Hello Mr Bertolini, As a physician who receives decreasing reimbursements for complex head and neck

Dr. Rex Moulton-Barrett sent a message to Mark Bertolini that said:

Hello Mr Bertolini, As a physician who receives decreasing reimbursements for complex head and neck and reconstructive surgery I was shocked to be advised by Aetna PPO that I must pay $4200 for an 8 minute CT of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast. This is 16x more than Medicare would have paid and 8 times more than the most expensive near-by self pay imaging facility. I came to the conclusion that your company is either trying to justify increasing your premiums by using up our high deducible or your company would prefer to migrate to the insurance management model rather than be the provider of insurance ie dissuade from continuing our small Aetna PPO Group Plan, please advise?

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