Joseph Baird sent a message to Mark Bertolini that said:
Mr. Bertolini, I am writing in hopes that you can help me. I am a very long time member and recently went up to Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota where I had surgery and several clinical evaluations. I have ten claims denied despite my efforts amd Mayo's efforts to explain that I could not have got the same treatment locally. I sent in 32 pages of doctors notes appealing the decision and on the appeal page it states "CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU BELIEVE YOU NEED A DECISION WITHIN 72 HOURS" despite checking bos I am being to;d decision will take 60 days. Also the reason I am being denied is your representatives say its being rejected because Coventry is not my primary insurance. You have always been my primary insurance. If you can liik into this and help me I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time God bless and have a great day. Joseph M Baird Edwardsville, Il.