Jacqueline Fischer sent a message to Mark Bertolini that said:
Mr. Bertolini,
I am a first year client of Aetna Medicare coverage and until this month have been relatively satisfied with my coverage. However, in the last two weeks I've encountered a problem with Aetna's policy vs actual usage in terms of allotment of a medication (Lodemax gel eye drop) to last a given period. Not to take you into the weeds of the issue, but the policy is using the same amount of drops in a 5ml bottle for a liquid vs the gel compound I use.
I've worked with Phalyn in Executive Resolution and heard from a Rachel in Aetna's Medicare division who advised this is the policy- sorry. I'll have to pay out of pocket for anything outside this policy.
I'm hoping that there can be some intervention to explore if there is any flexibility to accommodate a client's needs that may fall outside the stated policy.
Time is crucial, I was left without medication for an extended period which is medically harmful. While I'm sure this is not Aetna's intent, it is my reality.
I have to be sure that I'm covered but the coming months and years and must know my options before my renewal is due for 2021.
Many thanks for your time and interest. I will await your hopefully favorable reply from someone that can assist towards a resolution.
Jacqueline Fischer
347 277 5666
I have been in touch