@AGLafleyFan – Alan Lafley – Mr Taylor: How is it that no politician complains about the lack of toilet paper

Gary Poirier sent a message to Alan Lafley that said:

Mr Taylor:

How is it that no politician complains about the lack of toilet paper? Would I be wrong to assume as politicians they just make a phone call to you or any CEO of such manufacturing and bingo, its theirs? While people in your position kiss politicians asses, we the people suffer. Obviously being important has its benefits and I understand politicians are full of shit and probably need more toilet paper but we the people are having a serious problem. I am 74, my wife is 81 and we can't just call for our needs. Nor are we capable of walking around stores only to find shelves empty, can't even order online because everyone is out of stock. If I was to pretend I was a famous politician, could I get some toilet paper.

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