@airbus – Tom Enders – Hello Mr Faury, I have a game-changing idea for your Urban Mobility division which will

Jeremy MacDonald sent a message to Tom Enders that said:

Hello Mr Faury,
I have a game-changing idea for your Urban Mobility division which will instantly transform your VTOL aircraft design direction and assure your company of a very quick path to the autonomous aircraft solution you seek for your Urban Mobility goal. I am currently working with Airbus A^3 group as a contractor but I made a stunning discovery that changes everything. It is going to have a really huge impact and place your company far ahead of all the other companies trying to field a VTOL aircraft.

I need to bring this directly to you or to Mr Puerta urgently. Would you please contact me so that I can arrange to give you this stunning discovery.
Thank you.
Jeremy MacDonald

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