Kayla Woodward sent a message to Thomas Wilson that said:
I am writing you this message to express my deep concern and confliction with your companies choice to support the murdering of innocent unborn babies. This is a abomination in the eyes of the Lord. I don't know your personal relationship with God the Father and his son Jesus but might I offer you some scripture in this matter seeing how you obviously are a smart individual and good business person. But those things will not get you in to Heaven. None of your works will get you in the gates of Heaven, But I can assure you that some of your works can get you into the fiery pits of Hell.
" Truly children are a gift from the Lord: the fruit of the womb is a reward Psalm 127:3 God's own finger writes in stone the COMMANDMENT " Thou shalt not kill: Exodus 20:13 Deuteronomy 5:7 and Christ reaffirms it, Matthew 19;18 notice that He MENTIONS THIS COMMANDMENT FIRST. The Book of Revelation affirms that MURDERERS CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Revelations 22:15.
I along with other like minded Christians will be boycotting you and the other companies that support this Murdering of the most innocent of life, Because no matter how you think or look at it. FROM MOMENT ONE IT IS A LIFE, THERE IS A HEART BEAT.
In closing if Murder of all living humans became legal would you leave your home and take that chance? Would you feel confident in your decisions you have made and at anytime be ready to meet your maker? Because no one asked those innocent babies if they wanted to live or die. What makes you any better? I look forward to hearing back you on this matter at any time. I would also encourage you to get yourself a bible and maybe a good faith based church, Because your money and your companies money might be a big thing here on this ol earth but it does not and will not buy you in to heaven.