@AmericanExpress – Kenneth Chenault – Dear Stephen – I am contacting you as there is no way to further my

Matthew Gadd sent a message to Kenneth Chenault that said:

Dear Stephen -

I am contacting you as there is no way to further my query on the AMEX website. I recently called the AMEX customer service line and was provided with an unsatisfactory response.

In August my wife and I booked a vacation, making the payment with my AMEX Platinum Card. During the few days leading up to the vacation my wife suffered an appendicitis, ultimately requiring an emergency appendectomy. Clearly we were unable to take the vacation and the further tests for malignancy are still ongoing to this date.

I called the AMEX service line to discuss what insurance options I had and was informed that because we had not intended to fly to this vacation that it was not covered in any way. Especially in the time of covid when vacation flying is lower, yet costs of closer-to-home vacations have risen, I found this response very surprising for a supposed Platinum card member. I have other premier/platinum cards that I believe would have covered me in these circumstances and so I will not be renewing my AMEX, which I adopted as my main card until this incident, when it comes up for expiry this year because of this response.

I look forward to hearing from you if there is any change of opinion to this stance.

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Gadd

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