@amtrak – Joseph Boardman – Greetings sir: I love Amtrak and ride it often.<br><br>I wanted to call to your

D. Ronald Inlow sent a message to Joseph Boardman that said:

Greetings sir: I love Amtrak and ride it often.

I wanted to call to your attention an accident waiting to happen. At the Waterloo, Indiana station, their on two large holes on the cross walk that your passengers have to cross to get off or on the train.

I boarded train #30 last night and saw the deep holes and was pleased to see one of your agents at rattling the holes and asking passengers to go around her. She was taking preventive measures and should be commended.

Later that night as I was getting a sandwich in the cafe card, I overheard your staff commenting on how they had reported his situation on many occasions and couldn\'t understand why the holes were still there, getting deeper and wider.

That cross walk probably has several owners but I bet if someone breaks an ankle or leg or worse, the holes will be fixed. With winter coming, they could easily be covered with snow.

I send this because I know you are deeply concerned about safety. Perhaps you can expedite this fix.

I write this as a person Wh dealt with risk management for many years before retiring.

Hope your thanksgiving was a good one.

D. Ronald Inlow
804 347-8794
11402 Creekside Deb
Richmond, Va. 23238

By the way, I\'m writing this while riding train number 125 to Richmond, Va.

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