@annewoj23 – Anne Wojcicki – Please test for two variant genes for resistance to sleeping sickness. There are forty million

Jackie Aldridge sent a message to Anne Wojcicki that said:

Please test for two variant genes for resistance to sleeping sickness.

There are forty million African Americans in the US with one or two variant Apol1 genes. Plus up to two hundred million or more in Africa. Plus another hundred million in the rest of the Americas.

Four million African Americans have two copies of the Apol1 variant genes.

People who have two copies of the variant genes are at much higher risk of kidney failure.

They are also at higher risk for premature births. And a higher incidence of other degenerative diseases.

It is possible that eating more green vegetables is partially protective. As premature births are less common in women who matured in Africa and then came to the US. I think this is because they are getting more magnesium from chlorophyll and less iron from hemoglobin. I think the two variant genes contribute to people having less oxygen carrying or release capacity than those without.


Jackie Aldridge


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