As a longtime member who was switched to a GIC plan a few years ago – Eric H Schultz email address

Robert sent a message to Eric H. Schultz President and CEO, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care that said:

As a longtime member who was switched to a GIC plan a few years ago I have a few comments about the upcoming copay and other changes. Over the last few years my copay's and pharmacy charges have gone from almost nothing to thousands of dollars a year .
Between the city and myself we pay somewhere around $16,000.00 premium. The upcoming increases will force me to no longer go to the doctor or any get preventative care before I am deathly ill. I have had three bouts of skin cancer, prostate cancer, and a number of other issues that were picked up early by preventative care. Treated early and fairly cheaply. The high cost of the insurance with the added excessive charges for copay's and other charges force me to no longer see my primary care doctor or any preventative care. This will become very expensive when as a last resort I am forced to seek medical care for a life threatening condition that could have been treated early and fairly inexpensively. I think these upcoming changes are a poor and expensive decision for Harvard.

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