DeAnna Cooley sent a message to Hubert Joly that said:
Dear Hubert,
I bought TV 2 years ago from Best Buy in Akron. I purchased the 2 year warranty and due to my company upgrading their mail service, I did not received the e-mail to renew the warranty. I have been a LOYAL customer to Best Buy for the past 7 years spending about $10,000 at the store. My 2 year 2 month old TV decided to start acting up just now, 2months after the warranty expired! I went into the sore they told me I had to contact corporate (to see if I can pay the $200.00 to extend the warranty). Well, all that did was aggravate me even more. After being put on hold for more than 20min and they disconnect 3 times I GAVE UP!!! I love the Akron, Ohio store but your corporate customer service is much to be desired! I being told that there is nothing to be done? Are you serious? This is unbelievable!! If this is how a loyal customer is to be treated, I will take my money/business elsewhere and encourage other to do the same. Thank you for your time. DeAnna