@bestbuy – Hubert Joly – Dear Mr Joly I need your help I bought a 2018 q8fn tv last year

ernest girard sent a message to Hubert Joly that said:

Dear Mr Joly
I need your help
I bought a 2018 q8fn tv last year and loved it and then i started having trouble with it so samsung sent out a repair service 3 times Samsung issued a r/a for it but all the store would do is give me best buy store credit cards so i have been trying several tvs but none are as good as my q8fn
I am hoping you can authorize them to put the amount that i bought last back on my best buy credit card with which i paid for the q8 initially
I truly hope you can help me. I may wait till next year to get another one but i was just diagnosed with cancer and could use that money for medical bills
Thank You in advance
Ernest Girard
I bought it at the pineville store in pineville north carolina
Please let me know

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