@bestbuy – Hubert Joly – Good Morning Mr.Joly,I am a long time customer who buys exclusively from Best

robert walker sent a message to Hubert Joly that said:

Good Morning Mr.Joly,I am a long time customer who buys exclusively from Best Buy,since 1999. I recently purchased a Asus monitor with a Lenovo computer tower. In this particular case the monitor failed and I brought back to BB ( DOP 11/17).BB advised me to contact Asus for repair as they only exchange for 30 days. I did indeed contact and send unit back for repair and 3 weeks later it arrived back in the same condition as when it left. I called Asus back and they issued another call tag for repair. I'm not understanding why customer service at both companies is subpar, I've never had an issue with BB before including the over 40 products purchased before over the years.BB's response was you should have purchased the protection plan and my reply was you should have sold me one.I always go with what BB suggests and that's it.I never debate as I need to depend on someone for service and repair. I was so disappointed I purchased am LG on Ebay and have issues with that as well.I believe my point is the place of purchase doesn't matter anymore because the service is lost,something BB had that I could depend on.Best Regards Robert Walker

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