chris tassone sent a message to Hubert Joly that said:
i live in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canada, i have been a long time customer of Best Buy,
first of all our store is not answering phone calls for some reason, it directs you to another number to call so they can send BestBuy an e-mail stating your trying to contact them, i did this 2 weeks ago and still have not had a phone call, i also sent my brother there last week to see if he could take care of the problem and talk to the Manager named Anthony,
they said Anthony was busy and they would relay the message, i still have not heard anything, also i just tried that alternate number again and they said that they were going to send another
e-mail through to Best Buy to make sure they contact me, i also tried calling a guy named Mark that works for the Geek Squad there and he has not even returned a phone call from 2 weeks ago,
there is a lot of business being lost at Best Buy in this city because of what they are doing to people, i hope this problem will be taken care of, thank you.