Leigha M Culp sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:
Dear Bill,
Let me start with I am not asking you for money or any kid of financial help. I'm sure you get enough of that!
My son Phillip Schindler is a senior at Aberdeen High school this year and he wants to go to Digi Pen for college I do not have fancy computers for him to create his Design portfolio on so he does not have years of work to show off and this is a competitive field as you know.
I am thinking if he has one Amazing design it wont matter, he is a very giving and good soul (he would give someone the shirt off his back, I am a single mom and he always selflessly helps me) so I am trying to help him do a project that makes the world a better place just like he does for me. Show them who he is.
What i need from you is help putting the idea in motion a way to capture his heart and his love of gaming and design.
I was originally thinking teaching low income kids about gaming and design but anyone can do that and not sure about equipment needed.
Leigha Culp